Join Erick’s Real Estate Domination Live! Networking Meetup on October 23 at
Join us- https://webinars.amp-live.net to learn about creative real estate investing and market strategies.
Connect with a community of professionals from all states, including VIPeXecs Realty & Lending powered by AMP Live! Media, and Be part of this exciting opportunity that includes mentoring, coaching, and creative real estate investing.
Wholesale real estate training, lead generation techniques along with free bonuses such as our exclusive cheatsheets and templates reserved only for our One on One AMP Live! Mentees #InGodWeTrust #geterickpaullive #subtomaster #subto #vipexecs #fixnflip #buynhold #sellerfinance #socal #usa.
Sign up here: https://webinars.amp-live.net/
Join VIPeXecs and AMP Live! for a free, live training session on “Real Estate Investing: Property Evaluation for Different Exit Strategies.”
The event will be hosted by Erick Paul – meet our “SubtoMaster” from “The AMP Live! Real Estate Show” Saturday, May 11th at 2 pm PST. Register now, spaces are limited: Sign up here: https://webinars.amp-live.net/
Co-hosted by VIPeXecs Realty & Lending and some surprise Sponsors along with awesome tools and exclusive info to share with you.
Also, don’t miss the opportunity to join our exclusive Facebook group – “Made In America,” dedicated to Creative Real Estate Investing. It’s free to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AMPLive/?ref=share_group_link
During this session, we’ll guide you through getting started with creative real estate investing in your local area. You’ll learn the basics of Subto through our “SubtoMaster Erick” along with wholesaling, fixing-n-flipping, or buying and holding properties. We’ll also teach you how to evaluate properties and choose an exit strategy that aligns with your investment goals.
This event will also be streamed live make sure you register now as space is limited! Sign up here:https://webinars.amp-live.net/
Brought to you by AMP Live! Media and VIPeXecs #GetErickPaulLive #CreativeRealEstate #BuyNHold #SellerFinance #LeaseOption #USA #MakingMoney #Investing #WholesalingRealEstate #FixNFlip #FlipRealEstate #InGodWeTrust
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