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⚠️FB Group Only Free Training -⚠️🍾”Friendship Deals!!🍾 Deals! Deals! Deals!
Breaking News! Exclusive “FriendShip Deals” Training-
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🍾”Friendship Deals!!🍾
Deals! Deals! Deals! “Friendship Deal Investors” How to become one!
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⚡Deals! Deals! Deals! “Friendship Deals” for Investors 2024 and beyond!!! WATCH LIVE!⚡ https://youtube.com/live/LgcWMjOEKP0?...
Your Host: Erick Paul of -AHA – Americans Helping Americans
Book a Live! Breakout Call With Erick
What is a soft commitment?
What is a 1st Trust Deed Investor?
What is a Friendship Deal Investor?
Register here: Register https://form.jotform.com/icomworks/be...
Who is a good fit for a Friendship Investor?
✅Someone who does not want to fix n flip does not want to pick up a hammer
✅Does not want to hunt for deals
✅Does not want all the headaches of running a project for fix n flip or value adds
✅Does not want to structure deals
✅Does not want to deal with any drama.
🍾Just wants to write a check and get a check back and then roll the funds two to three times a year or invest in a longer-term investment for 3 to 5 years instead.
Awesome I know!! WATCH THE LIVE!
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Erick of AHA – AMP Live!
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